平台汇率:1 人民币 = 100 虚拟币
更新情况: 持续更新中...
发布时间:2020-05-28 19:02 (不同版本以版本更新时间为准)
付款方式: 在线支付 / 微信支付宝扫码 / 银行转账
Webinse PriceGrabber allows you to track and set the lowest prices on your products - easily. Grab and check the prices of your competitors right from your admin panel
You can set links to the external websites and check their validity
The opportunity to set the lowest prices on assignment rule
The extension also allows to update the prices manually
Opportunity to specify the rule that calculates the minimal price
Extension automatically notifies you of error (problem with tags or improperly installed external links)
An opportunity to add and configure the block of price comparisons in the frontend
Webinse PriceGrabber允许您跟踪和设置您的产品的 低价格。