平台汇率:1 人民币 = 100 虚拟币
更新情况: 持续更新中...
发布时间:2024-10-14 20:45 (不同版本以版本更新时间为准)
付款方式: 在线支付 / 微信支付宝扫码 / 银行转账
最终版本: 2.7.1
更新时间: 2024年 10月 14日
Trigger messages have proven to be a reliable tool of email marketing with a very high rate of response and conversion. Follow Up Email can bring up to 40% of the total income that you receive through the email distribution.
Powerful and flexible email editor
Editing without limitations. You can include to email any block, text, order information, coupon etc
Analytics & insights
Not just clicks. Our extension can track number of readers, clicks, placed orders and new reviews.
Flexible Rules
Send emails only to relevant customers. You can send emails depending on purchased products, customer group, order attributes.
Easy to get started
Get set up within minutes and start making your customers happy.
A cost-effective solution
There are no annual or monthly fees, just purchase and use.
Some companies do not want to annoy their customers, and so distribute mailings once a month. Some companies would like to send emails to the customers much more often, but they do not have the resources to prepare high-quality emails weekly. With this extension, you will not lose the huge potential of email marketing.
The extension allows you to solve the following tasks:
to remind the customer of an abandoned cart (magento abandoned cart email)
to cross-sell based on the shopping cart or previous sales
to remind yourself of old customers who have not visited your site for a long time
to offer a discount (coupon code)
to remind customers to re-order (for example, if you sell consumables)
to wish them a birthday or other celebration
to automate emails with tracking information, after a change of order status New
to maintain good a relationship with customers, to increase their loyalty
to turn potential customers into buyers
Upon the occurrence of an event (making order, change of order status, abandoned cart, etc.), the extension automatically generates a chain of emails to be sent to the customer during a certain period, thereby reminding the customer of your store, their order, cart, bought products, etc. Before sending the letter, the extension analyzes the previous activity of the customer based on rules (opening letters, go to the link, making orders, number of reviews). Depending on this criteria, it can change the message chain.
Track and send emails to visitors who abandon a checkout
Extension tracks all shopping carts and can send follow-ups to customers or unregistered visitors who abandoned their shopping carts.
Extension automatically captures (using ajax) a customer's name and email address on all store pages (checkout, newsletter, registration form etc)
Restore a customer's shopping cart just by one click with a direct link in the email
Auto-login customers by clicking on any link in an email
Ask review (Review Reminder Email)
After some time, the extension can automatically send ask review emails after purchase.
Additionally you can configure mail-chain with few messages, if a customer does not place a review after the first email.
A winback message
After some time, the extension can send a winback message to customers who did not visit the store.
A product recommendation
Extension can send product recommendation emails based on previous customer purchases.
Wish customers a Happy Birthday
Ability to integrate coupons in email
You can specify what shipping rule relates with email and the extension will automatically generate a unique coupon code for each email with the ability to set up an expiration date fro the coupon