平台汇率:1 人民币 = 100 虚拟币
更新情况: 持续更新中...
发布时间:2022-07-14 17:25 (不同版本以版本更新时间为准)
付款方式: 在线支付 / 微信支付宝扫码 / 银行转账
最终版本: V2.3.12
更新时间: 2022年 07月 14日
Effectively manage payments in your store. Feel free to restrict payment methods by shipping address, customer groups, store view or product attributes in Magento 2. Restrict cash on delivery, check/money order etc.
Improve productivity of your payment process
Use shipping info to restrict payment methods
Create restrictions based on product info
Disable certain methods based on customer data
Multiply business opportunities and decrease risks