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M1 facebook像素扩展FACEBOOK广告监测扩展Facebook Pixel

优惠价: ¥30.00

平台汇率:1 人民币 = 100 虚拟币

更新情况: 持续更新中...

发布时间:2019-11-17 14:29 (不同版本以版本更新时间为准)

付款方式: 在线支付 / 微信支付宝扫码 / 银行转账



最终版本: V1.3.1

更新时间: 2019年 11月 17日



如果您有使用FACEBOOK广告,那么此款扩展是非常不错的一款,可以很好地针对fb 像素数据进行分析并监测

If you are Advertising on Facebook, you'd also like to know what your Return On Investments are on your Ad Campaigns. Facebook provides the possibility to implement a Tracking Pixel on the Frontend of your webshop. This Pixel tracks which page your visitor visits, which products he buys, etcetera, etcetera.

This extension adds this Facebook Tracking Pixel to your magento webshop and tracks all the events that Facebook offers to track. That means that this plugin will place certain trackers on the front end and provides information to your Facebook Business Account. With that information you can use the Conversion Optimizer Tool from the Business Manager, which means Facebook will adjust your Ad Placements automatically to generate more revenue from the same budget. For example, It tracks when a customer adds something to his/her cart, views a CMS page or Product Page, Subscribes as a Customer, Checks Out, and of course when he/she lands on the success page. This extension also works with the Dynamic Product Ads feature from Facebook.

You need a Facebook Business Account in order for this extension to work.A Facebook Business Account is FREE OF CHARGE.
You also need to generate a Facebook Pixel in your Facebook Business Manager.
Instructions how to generate a Facebook Pixel can be found here.

Currently Facebook is replacing it's old Custom Conversion Pixel with a more generic single Facebook Pixel (I know, it's a bit confusing). The Custom Conversion Pixel will completely disappear in the nearby future (See:
This extension however places the newest Facebook Pixel. Like mentioned above, by using the Facebook Pixel you can use the Conversion Optimizer Tool, but you can also consult detailed information in your Facebook Business Manager so you can, for example, calculate Return On Investments on your Ads and Spent Budgets.

The extension is built conform Facebook API v2.7.

Available Trackers

The extension offers all standard trackers that Facebook uses. It places certain trackers automatically on pages on your Frontend, and also provides detailed product information, such as prices, SKU's and categories.
You are able to enable/disable certain trackers in the configuration page of this extension (see screenshots). The extension provides the following trackers:

ViewContentWhen a key page is viewed such as a product page, e.g. landing on a product detail page. Provides detailed product information (such as Prices, SKU's, Currencies and Categories) for Dynamic Product Ads.

SearchWhen a search is made, e.g. when a product search query is made. The search string is provided to Facebook as well.

When a product is added to the shopping cart, e.g. click on add to cart button. Provides detailed product information (such as Prices, SKU's, Currencies and Categories) for Dynamic Product Ads.

AddToWishlistWhen a product is added to a wishlist, e.g. click on add to wishlist button.

InitiateCheckoutWhen a person enters the checkout flow prior to completing the checkout flow, e.g. click on checkout button.

AddPaymentInfoWhen a payment information is added in the checkout flow, e.g. click / LP on save billing info button. Works with onepagecheckout.

PurchaseWhen a purchase is made or checkout flow is completed, e.g. landing on thank you/confirmation page. Provides detailed Order information such as Order Value and Cart Items.

LeadWhen a contact form is completed.

CompleteRegistrationWhen a registration form is completed, e.g. complete subscription/signup for a service.


This extension works fine with all versions of Magento 1.6+, until Magento
With previous versions (like 1.5), you need to update prototype first.

If you want to debug the trackers on your frontend, you can install the Facebook Pixel Helper for Google Chrome.
With that module installed you can see which trackers are fired on which page. It also provides detailed information what is provided.

标签: Facebook Pixel magento Facebook Pixel m1 Facebook Pixel magento facebook pixel m1 fb pixel


